
Kicking Around Ideas For Noting Quotes

Keeping quotes handy isn't actually a bad idea. Think I will start a word doc for to keep all the quotes that I come across that I definitly want to use somewhere someday b/c they are ridiculously cute, funny or whatever.

If you came straight to the Salty Sandbox and are curious why the hell this whole idea even came up then read my post on Salty Selections - Quirky Quotes ~ Fun Offbeat Categories To Browse Freely.

Back when I was away at school I did actually I have a document where I kept quotes to use in cards for occasions and holidays along complete with upcoming or just past dates so I didn't forget them again the next year. Put all the wittiscms, motivational/inspirational quotes and other words of wisdom in MiSC. section or by the date/holiday they belonged with or int newly created sub-catgories and so on.

Yeah the damn document was a complete mess! It got so long and cluttered that it was easier to just search for appropiate quotes online and hope I remembered to mark the dates I so carefully collected down on a calendar somewhere - preferably the one I'd be using next year but any would do at the moment as someday I'd consolidate my post-its, makeshift organizers and assorted planner pages onto one simple calendar ... sure I would. That project was like the quotes and important dates document but a hell of lot worse and it's a story for never actually because that was pretty much it. :) 

 So back to how I plan on keeping quotes/zingers handy ... This time I can either go all out and create a word doc complete with a table of contents and jump links which would be complete waste of my time and rather silly or just keep it simple. Going with simple. So my new "Quotes of Note" document will be limited to fantastically funny, clever, sarcastic and ridiculously right-on quotes.

Being optimistic doesn't preculde being realistic (I hope) so just knocking out occassions and holidays will not be enough to avoid bogging down my quotes list so also exluding exluding the inspirational or wise life lessons that I feel like I ought to read but don't actually want to.

If I ever put that doc together then I'll post it but already backing away from the idea. Not because it's bad but mostly because I'm a bit lazy when it comes to time-wasters. Started thinking I could just create a page on this blog or my poetry blog for "Quotes of Note" which will totally end up unorganized like my first document. Suppose I could create categories ... but then why not just create a whole blog for them then? And let's not forget we're talking about quotes I don't even have yet.

Funny how even the things I deliberately try to simplify get so out of hand and complicated before I even star on them. So I've got no idea what I'm going to do now except that I'm done thinking about it until I come across a quote I love (fully aware that I'll probably just Tweet it anyway and I'd bet that I've done that before).  'Til the time I find notable quotes and post them somewhere for your amusment you should check out the offbeat and quirky quotes on CoolNSmart.

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